Improving Dry Eye Syndrome
starts with an assessment
Are the following symptoms affecting you?
• 眼睛感覺乾澀
• Frequent tearing
• Easily fatigued eyes
• Feeling of something in the eyes
• 眼睛痕癢
• 眼睛灼痛或酸痛
• Blurred vision
• Sensitive to light
• Discomfort wearing contact lenses
If you have experienced any of the above symptoms, please consult and get examined as soon as possible.
Comprehensive Dry Eye Examination
At Wu & Partners Optometry Clinic, we first understand the patient's symptoms and lifestyle habits, and then diagnose dry eye syndrome based on clinical examinations.
The causes of dry eye syndrome are complex, and we are equipped with the necessary advanced equipment, OCULUS Keratograph®5M, to aid us in accurately diagnosing dry eye syndrome and recording the results.
Test Process: 30 minutes
Fill out the OSDI questionnaire
Measure stability of tear film
Assess tear volume
Evaluate the lipid layer of the tear film
Check for any corneal surface injuries and eyelid cleanliness
Dry Eye Syndrome Relief Solutions
Patient education
Environmental Adjustments
Dietary advice
Artificial Tears
Warm compress
Eyelid hygiene
Scleral lenses
Dry eye syndrome is a common eye condition. If you are experiencing dry eye symptoms, feel free to contact us. We will provide you with the most suitable solutions to help you regain comfortable vision.